Simply Draw & Paint it

Hi !

Here I share my thoughts about living a creative life, about how I found more and more fun and joy in making art and looking for creativity by getting rid of my demons like fear, perfectionism, what-might-other-people-think, ugliness (what’s that anyway?), Art with a big A, dogma’s …. Everybody is an artist and everybody is creative!

Please feel free to share your story in the comments in my posts! I read all the comments and I would love to hear from you!

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How to get the most out of art workshops

How to get the most out of art workshops

It's summer ! I love that time of the year because it's a time where people get some sunshine and are more smiling 🙂 The light gives me energy! It's also time to slow down for a lot of people, because it's hot, and the schools are closed, so the cities are more...

How to improve your observation drawing

How to improve your observation drawing

It all started with some frustrating bad-looking lines ... How do you make your hand put a "good-looking" drawing on the paper when there's too much to look at ?As I was learning Yukiko, the japanese violin player I talked about in my previous blogpost, to...

Talent vs work

Talent vs work

I had an interesting experience, giving my "Simply Draw it" urbansketching workshops for beginners this spring. I teach what I myself most need to learn, and learn much from the participants as well. I also learn a lot from the questions you ask me!After...

Where do your ideas come from?

Where do your ideas come from?

My head is empty and my hand is not doing what I want. And I don't know what I want. The result is not OK. I lost it, it seems...I make drawing after drawing since last week and an empty feeling invades me and a warm shame washes over me: I hate what I...

Simply Draw & Paint it – NEW DATES

Simply Draw & Paint it – NEW DATES

For those interested : here we go again with the "Simply Draw it" workshop, springtime version :-DAUSSI EN FRANCAISOOK IN HET NEDERLANDSAn introduction for those who don't know the workshop:Being a child I always wanted to become an artist, but my parents...

Thank you so much !

Thank you so much !

It's that time of the year again...The year is stumbling across the finishing line, which is always a great time to reflect on how things are going, and planning for the year ahead. How was your year 2018?It has been a quite violent year again: terrible...

Simply Draw it: Urbansketching workshop

Simply Draw it: Urbansketching on the right side of the brainAre you feeling uncomfortable drawing, or you think you can't draw enough to do urbansketching, or you don't know where to start ? Then this workshop is for you!Workshop descriptionIn this...

Create before you consume

Create before you consume

"Create before you consume" "Create before you consume", I repeat myself every morning to push myself to make a drawing before going to work, ànd especially before grabbing my phone and browsing to social media or email. It's a phrase I heard Marie Forleo...

Love your mistakes

Love your mistakes

Hi everybody ! I hope you have a great summer and that your inner artist is having a great time as well! I'm fully boosted from the Urbansketchers symposium in Porto in july! I had 4 great workshops from which I want to share some "takeaways". To warm up,...

Remember rule number 6

Remember rule number 6

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.”  - Oscar Wilde Last week was mental health awareness week. The theme was stress. In a world where everything in appearance has to be perfect, we're quickly under a lot of stress... Have you read The Art of...

Embrace uncertainty

Embrace uncertainty

"Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won't have a title until much later" [Bob Goff, writer] Restlessness is invading me: I'm leaving again for Japan. This time to see the cherry blossoms. I'll make some new sketching tutorials there...

Why didn’t I read this earlier?

Why didn’t I read this earlier?

I'm wondering now why I didn't read this great book about "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" written by Betty Edwards earlier? It's sooooooooooo much of an eye opener. I've heard about this book several times, and finally bought it, bumping in it by...

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