Talent vs work

Talent vs work

I had an interesting experience, giving my “Simply Draw it” urbansketching workshops for beginners this spring. I teach what I myself most need to learn, and learn much from the participants as well. I also learn a lot from the questions you ask me!After...
Create before you consume

Create before you consume

“Create before you consume” “Create before you consume”, I repeat myself every morning to push myself to make a drawing before going to work, ànd especially before grabbing my phone and browsing to social media or email. It’s a phrase I...
Remember rule number 6

Remember rule number 6

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.”  – Oscar Wilde Last week was mental health awareness week. The theme was stress. In a world where everything in appearance has to be perfect, we’re quickly under a lot of stress… Have you read The Art of...

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