by barbara luel | Nov 27, 2020 | creativity |
“The magic of the creative process is that there is no magic. Start where you are. Don’t stop” [Seth Godin] I’m reading Seth Godin’s new book “The Practice” and I want to share some of his wisdom with you, because it talks about a...
by barbara luel | Oct 29, 2020 | creativity |
The virus never left us, and is back stronger en spreading faster then in march… Our politicians choose economy and productivity over well being. We’re going in “half-confinement” : culture and leisure are closed but we’re...
by barbara luel | Oct 16, 2020 | creativity |
Hello there ! How are you? For some of us the confinement is finished, but for a lot of people life is still very difficult. Belgium is probably confining again a bit from tonight on… Difficult times for a lot of people…. Difficult to focus and...
by barbara luel | May 10, 2020 | creativity, Urban sketching |
Confinement is coming to an end here in Belgium…. But I don’t want to … I had plenty of things I wanted to do, and I wanted to rest also, and plenty of things to CREATE, and I didn’t do it! I want more time of confinement… (I realize that I’m in a luxury...
by barbara luel | Apr 14, 2020 | creativity, watercolor tutorial |
Hello ! How are you feeling today? Today is day 28 of the confinement . I ended my 3rd leporello sketchbook with Camille again, taking a sun bath on the stairs. The video is below. I won’t share all the videos in this blogpost, but you can see them on my Youtube...
by barbara luel | Apr 4, 2020 | creativity, drawing, Urban sketching, watercolor tutorial |
Here’s a sketch from my bathroom ! There’s a lot to draw, and I didn’t clean up before drawing! We take the showers in the bath. There’s no seperate shower, and because the bath is not build between two walls, we didn’t manage to put a...