Looking for “your style”?

Looking for “your style”?

“Once is a mistake. Twice is an idea. Three times is style.”   – Miles Davis. I got this great question from Katherine in my mailbox 10 days ago (please send me your questions: I love receiving questions because it gives me great ideas about what to write...
Create More Depth in your Watercolor

Create More Depth in your Watercolor

What I find most tricky to do when I’m out sketching is to create depth in a watercolor sketch!  Creating depth in a watercolor painting involves understanding the principles of perspective, value, color, and composition. Here are some tips to help you achieve a...
5 tips to create a drawing ritual

5 tips to create a drawing ritual

Creating a drawing ritual to make a small drawing a day is magic to boost your drawing skills and to your mental and emotional health. The most difficult part for me is to get started. Everybody has his own tips & tricks. The best place to keep a drawing ritual is...
Happy 2023 😃

Happy 2023 😃

Happy new year 2023 !… This changing of year, is always a great time to reflect on how things are going, and planning for the year ahead. How was your year 2022? Mine was great, compared to others, like in Ukraine, who are living in war time since February...

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