by barbara luel | Oct 29, 2020 | creativity |
The virus never left us, and is back stronger en spreading faster then in march… Our politicians choose economy and productivity over well being. We’re going in “half-confinement” : culture and leisure are closed but we’re...
by barbara luel | Oct 16, 2020 | creativity |
Hello there ! How are you? For some of us the confinement is finished, but for a lot of people life is still very difficult. Belgium is probably confining again a bit from tonight on… Difficult times for a lot of people…. Difficult to focus and...
by barbara luel | Sep 4, 2020 | Non classé |
Today I want to try to answer this great question I received from Dana: ” I really love sketching buildings and architecture but struggle with getting the size of what I want to draw, right on the page I’m working on, and correct (or close to correct)...
by barbara luel | Aug 16, 2020 | drawing |
Do you take time to look and see carefully? Be the drawing subject, become the flower, become the house, be the sunset you want to draw… Be here, be now, be present. Drawing is an active meditation: a feeling of being, of connecting, of time stopping to wonder. ...
by barbara luel | Jul 16, 2020 | drawing |
Drawing in difficult times… For some of us the confinement is finished, but for a lot of people life is still very difficult. I was mainly following the urbansketchers movement, and drawing has meant a lot to many people in recent months – to those who...