by barbara luel | May 9, 2021 | Non classé |
I’ve written about this before… “Take time to play”! But I insist, because it’s sooooo important to grow your drawing and painting skills. Because when we take ourselves too seriously and we stop playing, we end up doing always the same...
by barbara luel | Apr 22, 2021 | creativity |
In my previous blogpost I was talking about my spring pocket palettes, and about my pink pocket palette. The pink watercolor tubes I bought to make that palette are not all available any more. Some beautiful Holbein pinks I bought in Japan are sold out. Pink is a...
by barbara luel | Apr 10, 2021 | creativity |
Spring is always an exciting time, with the cherry blossoms and the magnolias blooming. Part of the excitement is the Fear of Missing Out, because I know it doesn’t last long! As most of you know I mean the cherry blossoms I love to paint. They’re quickly...
by barbara luel | Apr 2, 2021 | Non classé |
One year has gone by. I’ve been thinking about past pandemic year, with all exacerbated emotions, very much lows, and very much highs… a lot of emotions and stress and tension, both at home and at work. For some of us, quarantine was a time of renewed...
by barbara luel | Mar 5, 2021 | Non classé |
I don’t actually feel so colorful today…A friend died of cancer…So I feel actually quite ambiguous.I feel very sad of courseBut at the same time I feel a huge urgency : with her death, she’s reminding me that life is so short and I shouldn’t waste it.I should enjoy it...