by barbara luel | Mar 5, 2021 | Non classé |
I don’t actually feel so colorful today…A friend died of cancer…So I feel actually quite ambiguous.I feel very sad of courseBut at the same time I feel a huge urgency : with her death, she’s reminding me that life is so short and I shouldn’t waste it.I should enjoy it...
by barbara luel | Jan 26, 2021 | creativity, drawing, watercolor tutorial |
Hello everyone ! I hope you’re going well in this first month of 2021? I want to share some creative inspiration with you, to get you going and make the best out of this year ! First of all I want to talk about Ian Fennelly’s book that was published...
by barbara luel | Jan 8, 2021 | creativity |
“Happy new year” is a bit difficult to say today, with these Covid problems which are not over yet, and all this violence around, and climate problems… but what else can we say? I wish you the best new year possible, a beautiful and a healthy new...
by barbara luel | Dec 21, 2020 | creativity, Urban sketching |
In the end of this very special year 2020 I’m very excited to announce you that I finally have an online drawing and painting class ! It’s on the Skillshare platform here ! Skillshare is a great platform where you pay a monthly fee and you access to more...
by barbara luel | Nov 27, 2020 | creativity |
“The magic of the creative process is that there is no magic. Start where you are. Don’t stop” [Seth Godin] I’m reading Seth Godin’s new book “The Practice” and I want to share some of his wisdom with you, because it talks about a...