The beginning of autumn is for me always a beautiful time, but as well an overwhelming time.
Light is changing, colors are changing. Life is changing…
I’m in total overwhelm for the moment! We will be moving out of our house in a couple of months, my hubby and I, moving to a much smaller house. This implies a lot of decluttering, and wondering what stuff do we want to keep and what will we let go? Maybe I have to see it as a methaphor of life: what do you want to carry with you, and what do you have to let go? “The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.” ( L. P. Hartley )
Apart from that I’m working on my online videos for Class1O1, filming videos every weekend. I’m totally stretching my boundaries there ! I can already tell you that there will be more videos than announced ! You can still have a presale price here!
And next 1st of October there will be the Drawing Days weekend in Hasselt, Belgium. Last year it was cancelled due to Covid, so this year we’re extra excited!
There will be a sketch crawl with the Belgian Urbansketchers and I will be giving a watercolor sketching workshop again in the Japanese Garden on Friday 1st October at 2pm.
“Learning to draw is really learning to see – to see correctly – and that means much more than just looking with the eyes.”
– Kimon Nicolaides from Natural Way to draw
You’ll learn how to sharpen your vision, practice looking creatively at an urban scene and draw or paint what you see in a relaxed and intuitive way, without getting lost in rules. You’ll go in search of your drawing style, experiment with a different way of drawing and painting, without fear of making a ‘bad’ drawing.
And then I also want to show you my coming book I finished with Editions Akinome ! This is a travel sketchbook showing objects that have impressed me during my travels in Japan!
The book will also be in english, and will also have some poems and practical sketching tips .
I hope you will like it ! It’s called “Sugoi”.
“Sugoooooi!” “Sugooooi!!!”
These strange cries accompanied my first drawing experience in Kanazawa, in the beautiful Kenrokuen Garden.
What did it mean? is it about my drawing? What was I so afraid of? That I would damage the paper? Or ruining the travel book?
Those “Sugoi!!!” (すごい “terrible / extraordinary / amazing / great / super / extra / awesome,” as I later learned) will accompany me throughout the trip, whenever I land somewhere to draw.
I miss Japan…