How are you doing? Are you confined at home like I am ?
I’m supposed to work at home, but with all building sites stopping one by one, and projects slowing down, I’m actually getting out of work… This is also a dangerous time for my architecture office because we will run out of money and won’t be able to pay all our architects…. So this is very stressful!
I’m missing also dinners and meetings with my friends and family, and missing the urbansketchers… !
At the same time I measure my luck to live with a great hubby in a beautiful house, and I’m thinking full of emotion about everyone who’s not so lucky…. And of grocery shop workers who have to keep on working to make us eat! And of health care workers in hospital working day and night! Bless you! Please take care of yourselves!
This is a dangerous virus and we have to stop it all together. Do you want to help our health care? Well then do your part to stop the virus and stay at home. PLEASE! #stayathome #iorestoacasa ! The only way to do this is to STAY AT HOME! And take this time to rest, work at home and #create …
So I started a sketching series at home ! I’m amazed by all the creativity I see online, and the generosity also, of people sharing videos, making music together, sharing the art they’re making!
So here I’m also going to make some videos of my “corona” sketches !
Here’s to the virus (actually not so ugly under the microscope!) which is bringing also the best in people out : people making music from their balconies, people showing solidarity and generosity with the weakest, people showing gratitude for the nurses and grocery store workers who save our lives…. Now is also time to think about our way of living, which is maybe not so healthy, causing a lot of pollution, and destructive for the planet…. Maybe it’s also time for change ?
I’ll post my video’s on my you tube channel and comment them for those who want explanation! Don’t hesitate to comment on this blog and share ideas and questions to help eachother.
Love and take care !

Love this! Thankyou for the inspiration
Thank you for your positive attitude, Barbara.
Greetings from the heart.
io ho imbiancato e spostato mobilo del mio studio, e sto sistemando il giardino, leggo diversi libri, perchè sto pensando a prourre delle nuove opere, per essere pronta, una volta finita la crisi Virus, per poter fare una mostra, e poter aprire il mio studio a nuove esperienze ricevendo nuovi ospiti. Trovo interessante e stimolante il tuo nuovo video. Grazie per esserci, e per donarci, rendendoci partecipi, una nuova gioiosa giornate creativa.
Grazie mille per questo bel commento cara Daniela! Cerchiamo di essere solidali l’uno con l’altro per non arrenderci e scoraggiarci Cerchiamo di rimanere attivi e creativi, e consoliamoci con la bellezza e l’arte ♥️
Merci merci merci Barbara pour cette belle et généreuse initiative de nous mettre des tutoriels de tes si jolies et si fines aquarelles !!! j’aurais encore mille choses à te dire …mais ce serait trop long !!!!peut être par mail !! tchuss!!!
Avec plaisir ‼️ vas-y tu peux écrire ici: il n’y a pas de limites de longueur