One year has gone by.
I’ve been thinking about past pandemic year, with all exacerbated emotions, very much lows, and very much highs… a lot of emotions and stress and tension, both at home and at work.
For some of us, quarantine was a time of renewed creative energy, and for others, it was a necessary pause from a busy pre-pandemic life and a busy new pandemic life with all organisation of daily life upside down. How is this one year milestone is affecting you? Have you been creating and drawing and painting? How you plan on finding creative energy in a post-quarantine world? What did I do with this year? How do I deal with it?
Past year also brought good things: a better use of my time to create, for example. That is of course because my family and I were lucky to stay healthy and not loose our jobs… The pandemic had unfortunately put a lot of people in extremely difficult situations!
There was a new connection through computer screens however, with a whole new world which has apparently also good sides.
Thanks to this pandemic time, I developed more tutorial videos and found an opportunity to create my online classes on Skillshare, and I’m also discovering other learning platforms.
When the situation will improve and the pandemic will go away eventually, how will we hold onto these creative habits? Because the fact that drawing and painting became a HABIT has dramatically improved my skills. It’s the only way to improve skills: making them into a habit!
I published an online course about watercolor for beginner’s on Skillshare. With this link you can get a 2 weeks free try out if you’re not member on the platform yet
I hope you like it!

Another new activity is “forest bathing” (“Shinrin-Yoku” in Japanese)! For my Belgian friends: I’m organising a “forest bathing with meditative drawing” activity with Lena Van der Bruggen on Friday 30th April.
If you’re interested you can go to her website here ! Her website in in Dutch, but the activity can also be in French and English.
And it’s that time of the year again : cherry blossoms and magnolia started blooming! Arttoolkit is organizing a spring online workshop on 1st of May: painting cherry blossoms! As soon as I have more information with a link to her website I’ll tell you!